My name is Kim and I am the Founder of Room to Breathe Professional Organizing. My background includes two degrees in psychology, years of experience as a professional organizer, and a mom of three.
As a child, I remember watching my family hold on to their possessions tightly for fear of needing them one day. It was a way of living passed down from the previous generation who survived the Great Depression. While that time in history had passed, that way of living remained. This resulted in a home busting at the seams.
As I entered into motherhood, I noticed that I had continued what generations before me had started. Looking around the home I created for my children, I knew I wanted something different for them—a home full of comfort and peace.
The home we created for our family is much different than my childhood home. It began with challenging long-held beliefs about possessions, creating new rules around those possessions, and resulted in a home where we have all we need and love.
I will forever be grateful for the lessons of resilience passed down to me from generations prior, and I am excited to help more people clear the clutter and live a more simplified lifestyle.